Klaus 2014

Prof. Klaus Eisenack

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Klaus Eisenack is professor for resource economics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His research focuses on adaptation to climate change, climate governance, and the energy transition, with particular interests in urban climate governance and resolving implementation gaps for environmental policy instruments. Methods of choice are game theory, modelling of institutional arrangements, comparative approaches (in particular archetype analysis) and simulation games (e.g. the Keep Cool climate game). He was professor for economics at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (2008-2016), and scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (2001-2008). Klaus Eisenack has a background in mathematics, economics and philosophy, and holds a PhD in mathematics from the Free University Berlin (2006).

Publikationen (maximal 5)

Roggero, M., J. Fjornes and K. Eisenack (2023) Ambitious climate targets and emission reductions in cities: A configurational analysis, Climate Policy, in press, DOI:10.1080/14693062.2023.2282488

Eisenack, K., and M. Paschen (2022) Adapting long-lived investments under climate change uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 116, 102743.

Eisenack, K., and M. Roggero (2022) Many roads to Paris: Explaining urban climate action in 885 European cities, Global Environmental Change 72, 102439.

Eisenack, K., A. Hagen, R. Mendelevitch, and A. Vogt (2021) Politics, profits and climate policies: How much is at stake for fossil fuel producers?, Energy Research & Social Science 77, 102092.

Gotgelf, A., M. Roggero and K. Eisenack (2020) Archetypical opportunities for water governance adaptation to climate change, Ecology and Society 25(5): 6.


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