Sam 6391

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin


Martina Maggioni is a physiologist who focuses on body adaptations to extreme environments, including space, altitude and extreme heat. She has accumulated experience in the methods of cardiovascular bio-signals analysis to assess the response of physiological control mechanisms to different conditions, in autonomic diseases, ageing, or living in extreme environments. Martina Maggioni has a history of extensive experience and active collaboration in the design, validation and realisation of miniaturised devices for recording physiological parameters in a variety of settings. 

Mitgliedschaften (maximal 5)

German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA)

American Physiological Society (APS)

Charité Center for Global health (CCGH)

Projekte (maximal 5)

1. 2020-2025 Co-Principal Investigator and  study coordinator of individual  Projekt 4: Climate change, heat stress and their impact on health and work capacity (2020-2022) and Climate change, heat stress and their impact on health and work capacity in vulnerable groups within the DFG-funded Research Unit 2936 “Climate Change and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa” (German Research Foundation -Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft -DFG)

2. 2023-2028   Wellcome Trust Award - Co-Investigator on the Project entitled „Effect of housing modification on indoor thermal comfort and malaria vector densities in hot and humid zones of western and coastal Kenya”, in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity (UK), Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), Technical University of Mombasa (TUM)/ Vector Borne Disease Control Unit 

3. 2024-2026 German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA) cross- sector project, Project title:“Healthy Mamas and Babies: Implementing and Evaluating a Heat Adaptation Strategy for Pregnant Women in rural Northern Ghana-HeMAB“ in Collaboration with Prof De Allegri (HIGH Heidelberg) and Prof. Kantelhardt (University Hospital Halle)

4. 2023 Einstein Research Unit - Individual Project leader within  the consortium: Climate and Water under Change: Emerging challenges and strategies for coordinated action in the model region Berlin-Brandenburg (CliWaC). (Berlin University Alliance - BUA, Freie Universität Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, und ECCC - Einstein Climate Change Center ) 

5. 2018-2021 Co-Investigator Fondecyt funded Project  entitled: Investigation on the prevalence and blood pressure response in miners exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia in Chile. (PI Morin Lang, University of Antofagasta, Chile)

Publikationen (maximal 5)

1. Mendt S, Zout G, Rabuffetti M, Gunga H-C, Bunker A, Barteit S and Maggioni MA (2025) Laboratory comparison of consumer-grade and research-established wearables for monitoring heart rate, body temperature, and physical acitivity in sub-Saharan Africa. Front. Physiol. 16:1491401. doi:10.3389/fphys.2025.1491401


2. Kwaro D, Mendt S, Heim Z, Munga S, Okoth J, Matzke I, Gunga H-C, Bunker A, Barteit S, Maggioni MA. (2025) Monitoring Heat-Stress in Kenyan Farmers: Acceptability and Feasibility of Research-Grade Wearables," npj Digital Medicine, Accepted


3. Koch M, Matzke I, Huhn S, Sié A, Boudo V, Compaoré G, Maggioni MA, Bunker A, Bärnighausen T, Dambach P, Barteit S. (2023) Assessing the Effect of Extreme Weather on Population Health Using Consumer-Grade Wearables in Rural Burkina Faso: Observational Panel Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Nov 8;11:e46980. doi: 10.2196/46980.


4. Barteit S, Boudo V, Ouedraogo A, Zabré P, Ouremi L, Sié A, Munga S, Obor D, Kwaro D, Huhn S, Bunker A, Sauerborn R, Gunga HC, Maggioni MA*and Bärnighausen T.* (2021) Feasibility, acceptability and validation of wearable devices for climate change and health research in the low-resource contexts of Burkina Faso and Kenya: Study protocol.  PLoS One Sep 30;16(9):e0257170. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257170. *These authors share the senior authorship


5. Kienast C, Wypukol M, Grevers D, Steinach M, Maggioni MA, Opatz O, Gunga HC. (2021) Hitzephysiologie und Konsequenzen für die Arbeitsmedizin. Umweltmed – Hygiene – Arbeitsmed 26 (5) 196-205  ecomed Medizin, ecomed-Storck GmbH, Landsberg



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